This week’s podcast is based around two mountain bike events in Prineville, Oregon, Black Sage and Proving Grounds.  Some of the best riders in the world converge upon this mecca of jumps and features and destroy them. The podcast is a mix of 15 interviews with athletes and insiders and 10 unforgettable minutes talking to Micah Black at Greg Stump’s house.

Black Sage/Proving Grounds Show Notes:

2:30:  Road trip, arrival and Andy Goggins

5:40:  Carson Storch

7:30:  Ryan Runke

8:45:  Andy Parry

10:00: Casey Brown

12:00:  Tyler Berman

14:00:  Bas van Steenbergen

16:00:  Jordie Lunn 

18:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

20:13:  My experience with ski film legend, Greg Stump

23:00:  Micah Black

34:00:  Tyler McCaul, and Dusty Wiegle

36:45:  Bienvenido Augado

39:00:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site Spyoptic.com using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

40:30:  Casey Brown

43:00:  Nicholi Rogatkin

45:20:  Emil Johannsen

46:30:  Reed Boggs

48:30:  Juan Diego Salido aka Jonny