Casey Brown has one hell of a story.  This bad ass mountain biker’s life has been filled with twists and turns that I will not spoil in this intro.  I will say that Casey had an upbringing different than anyone’s that I have met in my life.  Based on all that Casey shares, you would think that she would have a totally different, maybe even strange personality.  I found none of that, what I did find was an amazing athlete who knows all about highs and lows.  It’s another incredible story.

Casey Brown Show Notes:

1:30:  Traveling and growing up in Barn Bay, NZ

13:00:  Moving inland, learning to bike, divorce, and losing everything in a fire

21:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

22:45: Leaving her mom, Revelstoke, and her first real bike

28:00:  The myth of her brother, skiing, and biking

32:40:  Crankworx at 16

38:15:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site Spyoptic.com using the code powell20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

39:45:  Losing her brother, focusing on going pro, sending it in the wrong headspace

42:30:  2012 is the year it all happens, being a woman in the bike world, and competition

50:00:  Changing things up in 2016, TGR, and other film projects

56:00:  Rampage  

60:00:  Inappropriate Questions