Aaron Blunk has been competing since he was 8 years old.  When he was 10, he left the junior division, went to the open class, beat everyone and watched his much older competition leave the competition scene.  He never understood that it was because he was so young and good.  His career progressed to moving away from home to focus on the dream of being a pro skier and he’s made that dream come true.  His story, along with some great Inappropriate Questions from fellow Olympian, Lyman Currier, make this a fun listen.

Aaron Blunk Show Notes:

2:00:  He’s on fire this year, Peter Olenick, and Crested Butte

10:00:  Getting into skiing, competing and his dad

19:45:   Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

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21:30:  How did he end up a halfpipe skier, recruited to Ski Club Vail and Junior Olympics

32:00:  Armada, Head and other sponsors

40:00:  First X-Games, Willie Borm, and training

47:00:  The US Ski Team and what they do

52:00:  Spy Optics:  Get 20% off on their site Spyoptic.com using the code TPM20

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53:40:  The Sochi season

63:00:  2017 is the year of his life, being tough and the Korea Olympics

64:30:  Inappropriate Questions with Lyman Currier