Jason Levinthal has been a visionary in the ski industry for over 20 years.  He's know for brand building genius, blue-collar work ethic and keeping his finger on the pulse of tomorrow.  He started the revolutionary ski company, Line Skis, out of his parent’s garage and eventually was forced to sell his baby (while still managing it and other brands) to The Jarden Corporation.  Jason’s entrepreneurial spirit and passion for timely innovation led him to leave the comfort of his corporate check and start again from scratch with J Skis. 

Jason Levinthal, Owner, J Skis

Jason Levinthal Show Notes

:31:  What is Jason up to these days?

1:19: Typical work week for Jason

3:30:  What group did Jason fit into in High School?

5:26:  Jason talks college

7:17:  The foundation of Line Skis

8:39:  Why the name Line?

11:10:  Did anyone believe in Jason Levinthal in the early days?

12:29:  At Ski Magazine tests Jason is asked why is he there and told to “throw his skis down the stairs.”

13:55:  Sacrificing life for the brand

16:06:  Did Jason ever think about enforcing the twin tip patent and working with other brands

21:48:  The Reactor Binding and bindings in general

26:40:  K2 buys Line

28:50:  The future of Levinthal is J Skis

31:10:  Josh Malczyk and his Line and Levinthal history

33:00:  The game-changing development process of J Skis

35:29:  Biggest career regrets

37:42:  What is Jason most proud of in his career?