No event compares to Red Bull Rampage.  If I tried to describe how insane it was, I wouldn’t be able to do it justice.  What I was able to do was talk to 12 riders, and some legends to get the inside scoop on the venue, the athletes and the history of an event everyone must see in person at least once.

Rampage Show Notes:

5:05: Cam McCall

9:33: Derek Westerlund

16:32: Josh Bender

18:10: Kurt Sorge

19:09: Graham Agassiz

22:24: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)

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Outdoor Research:  (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)

24:20: Brett Rheeder

26:26: Christian Pondella

28:39: Fairclough’s Digger

30:22: Michelle Parker

31:43: Ryan Runke

32:48: Darren Berreclaugh

34:15: Brett Rheeder

35:16: Carson Storch

36:40: Aggy

38:25: Spy Optics:  Get 20% off on their site Spyoptic.com using the code TPM20.

The 10 Barrel Brewery:  My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner

40:20: Jordie Lunn

41:41: Adolf Silva and Reed Boggs

42:59:  Kyle Strait

44:38: Cam Zink

46:25: Brett Tippy

48:14: Kurt Sorge

49:07: Brandon Semenuk

49:55: TVS

50:52: Sal Masekala